オリンピア 2020のクオリファイ期限が大幅変更へ

オリンピア 2020 クオリファイ期限 延長



そのため,ミスターオリンピア 2020の出場者を決めるクオリファイの期限が大幅に変更になった様です.今回は,本ニュース及びそれに関連するニュースについて皆さんに公開します!

ミスターオリンピア 2020のクオリファイ期限が大幅変更の情報



By @npcnewsonlineofficialpage UPDATE! NPC & IFBB Professional League President Jim Manion Addresses Coronavirus Concerns For Contests In The United States March 16, 2020 With the ever changing information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the United States Government decisions being made in the USA, we will be CANCELING ALL scheduled NPC and IFBB Professional League contests in the United States beginning today, Monday, March 16, 2020 through Sunday, May 10, 2020. Some of these events will be postponed until a later date while some will just resume in 2021. Please look to the individual promoter’s pages for updated information about specific shows. We are very disappointed to have to cancel these events but as always, the health and safety of our athletes, officials and fans is our top priority. The NPC and IFBB Professional League are focused daily on updates from the World Health Organization as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning COVID-19. As a reminder, the CDC has encouraged traditional precautionary prevention measures and guidelines. We will continue to monitor the Coronavirus information on a daily basis. AT THIS TIME we are preparing for ALL NPC and IFBB Professional League contests in the United States after May 10, 2020, to go on as originally scheduled. Nothing would make us happier than seeing all of you back on stage showing off all of your hard work. However we will continually monitor the daily information made available by the United States Government, State and Local Governments and the World Health Organization as well as the Centers for Disease Control for each promoter’s city and state if there are to be changes or further postponements. Please follow our official websites for continued, updated information: · www.npcnewsonline.com · www.ifbbpro.com · www.npcnewstv.com · www.npcfitbody.com All of our related social media outlets will also provide updates as frequently as possible. We know that Coronavirus (COVID-19) information is changing on a day-to-day basis and we all have concerns. We will continue to consider those concerns as we move forward in even further unchartered territory. Thank You!

IFBB Professional League(@ifbb_pro_league)がシェアした投稿 –

このニュースによると,新型コロナウイルスの影響で3/10から5/16までにアメリカで実施が予定されていたNPC及びIFBB プロリーグの全てのコンテストを延期するというものです.ここで重要なのが,中止するのではなく,延期するという措置をとるということであり,延期となったコンテストの中には後に開催されるものもある様です.





By @npcnewsonlineofficialpage ——————————— 2020 OLYMPIA: QUALIFICATION UPDATE In order to accommodate the numerous scheduling changes involving IFBB Professional League events, the Olympia has extended the 2020 qualification period deadline to include all Olympia Qualifiers held through August 29th. Please refer to the official IFBB Professional League schedule in the days to come for an updated list of events leading up to Olympia Weekend (Sep 10-13 / Las Vegas). -Olympia Headquarters / IFBB Pro League Offices @dansolomon_official @t_manion @ifbb_pro_league @jake_wood_wos @tamerelguindy @muscleandfitness @mrolympiallc ——————————— @Rep0stApp

IFBB Professional League(@ifbb_pro_league)がシェアした投稿 –






ミスターオリンピア 2020ですが,正式に2020/12/16-20に開催が決定した様です.


とりあえず,今回のニュースから分かる通り,現状ではミスターオリンピア 2020は実施の予定であります.

ただ,東京オリンピック 2020の実施も不確定になっていることからも分かる通り,本当に実施されるかについてはまだ断言できませんね.


東京オリンピック 2020は一応,2021年に延期の様ですね.ただ,ミスターオリンピア 2020が実施することは確定事項の様です.