Lee Labradaの子,Hunter Labradaが凄い!

Hunter Labrada

Lee Labradaと言われて,分かる方はかなりボディビルディングに精通している方だと思います.

Lee Labradaは伝説的なボディビルダーの一人であり,どうやら彼の息子であるHunter Labradaがとんでもないポテンシャルを秘めていると話題になっています.

今回は,Hunter Labradaを皆さんに紹介します!

Lee Labradaとは

Lee Labradaは,1960年,キューバ生まれのプロボディビルダーであり,身長は168 cm,体重は83.9-88.5 kgです.




This is a classic back shot of me posing on the Greek Parthenon on the morning after I won the 1988 IFBB Greek Pro Grand Prix. The image was taken by the great Chris Lund for Flex magazine and was incorporated into a spread of several of these shots. It was quite an honor for me to stand in this place of rich cultural and historical significance. I was in total amazement. If you will indulge me, it represents a timeless image bringing together the classical architecture of the Greeks with the classical lines and qualities of the human physique. Bodybuilding is an art form and we work not in clay as sculptors do, but in flesh. Let’s not lose sight of this in the relentless pursuit of muscle mass. Bodybuilding can make the body either grotesque or beautiful… it’s all in the eye of the beholder. Lee #bodybuilding #leelabrada #labrada #ifbbproleague #ifbb #npc

Lee Labrada(@leelabrada)がシェアした投稿 –


彼には,子供がおり,それが今回の記事で紹介するHunter Labradaになります.

Lee Labradaの息子,Hunter Labradaとは

Hunter Labradaは,1992年,アメリカ生まれのプロボディビルダーであり,身長は175 cm,体重は106.6 -111.1 kgです.




6 weeks out! This last week the “blood in the water” feeling I always get on prep hit full force. Not that things aren’t always serious, but the focus is on a whole different level right now. I very much know and appreciate the fact that every day is an opportunity to get better, and if I don’t, someone who will be standing next to me did👊🏻 All about winning every individual day from here on out💪🏻 – – 262 fasted, 266 post training. That’s the same as I was a week ago, and we definitely got visibly better, so still growing into the show😎 – – Training: starting to get close enough and low enough in body fat that im starting to try and be smart about what I do when I’m in the gym. While my muscle recovery is still adequate (not sore or fatigued feeling when it’s time to train), I feel like my CNS was a little fried. Might have something to do with rack pulling and squatting every week🤷🏻‍♂️ so, to be conscious of this, I made a couple modifications: I pulled the weighted dips out on push day, I replaced banded rack pulls with snatch grip hyperextensions, and tomorrow’s leg day will be heavy on isolateral exercises and lengthened tempo on the negatives for the compound movements. – – Nutrition: Finally changed something😅🤣!!! So we were eating 4 high and then 1 low, and we have moved to 2 high, 1 low, 1 high, 1 low as of last Friday. We did this to keep the food high on my push, pull, and leg days, and go low on the arms and rest/recovery day when the caloric/energy demand is lower. @andrew_vu87 initially wanted to move to just 3 high 1 low, but with how well training is going right now I wanted to prioritize keeping the sessions intense, while maximizing the fat burn on the off and arm days, so I suggested doing it based off@the training split and he was cool with it! Gotta have something to show for working together for 3+ years! – – Cardio: still at 30 min steady state every day but leg day! Every session I do right after training and posing a couple rounds, and keep my heart rate between 145 and 155 BPM. (Copied and pasted from last week cause nothing’s changed🤷🏻‍♂️) – – #wintheday #flexfriday #6weeksout #prodebut #tampapro #teamlabrada #avufitness

Hunter Labrada IFBB Pro(@hunterlabrada)がシェアした投稿 –



彼が今回話題になっているのは,プロデビュー戦にも関わらず,素晴らしい肉体を披露しているからです.特にフロントポーズでは,凄まじい筋密度を感じられ,彼の優れたポテンシャルを感じることができます (ただ,やはりバックポーズとなると,トップ選手と比較するとまだまだ甘いところがあるため,ここは要改善といったところでしょう.).また,父親であるLee Labrada譲りでプロポーションがよく,左右のシンメトリーも保たれていますね.

上の投稿は,タンパプロから6週間前のときに投稿されたものになりますが,そのときで体重が262-266ポンド ( = 約118-120 kg)になります.彼のベスト体重が106-111 kgの様なので,6週間前で10 kg前後重いということになりますので,ここからどの様に減量を進めていくのか非常に興味があります.と言いますのも,どうやら,オリンピア 2019でもほとんどの選手が220-230ポンド ( = 約 100-104 kg)だったこともあり,この体重は彼の身長から考えると重すぎるということになるからです.ただ,6週間前の身体でもバスキュラリティを感じられるため,調子自体は良さそうです.


タンパプロは,昨年はルークサンドやデキスタージャクソンが参戦するなど,トップ選手が参戦する可能性が高いコンテストでもあることから,非常に注目度が高いコンテストになります.その中で,Hunter Labradaがどこまで戦えるかに注目が集まります!


Hunter Labradaですが,タンパプロにてプロデビュー戦で優勝するという快挙を成し遂げました.今回の優勝でオリンピア 2020の出場権も獲得です!
