

オリンピアとボディビル雑誌であるMuscle & Fitness及びFlexがJale Wood氏に売却されました.


ミスターオリンピアの利権,Jale Wood氏へ

ミスターオリンピアとボディビル雑誌であるMuscle & Fitness及びFlexがJale Wood氏譲られた情報は以下の動画になります.





Digital Muscle Media- NEW YORK, Feb. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — In a landmark deal, American Media, LLC today announced it has reached an agreement on the sale of the iconic Joe Weider’s Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend as well as the Muscle & Fitness, FLEX and M&F Hers media brands. The prestigious Olympia Weekend, held annually in Las Vegas, is home to one of the global fitness industry’s signature consumer tradeshows while also serving as the world championships of several professional physique sports, including the legendary title of Mr. Olympia. The sale of the event and media assets marks the latest acquisition for Jake Wood, an Arizona-based fitness industry insider whose growing portfolio includes digital media and event properties. “My primary motivation for acquiring the Olympia is to bring the event back to the fans,” explains Wood. “It’s a dream come true to take ownership of some of the fitness industry’s most celebrated brands. Our ability to also acquire a media portfolio that includes Muscle & Fitness allows us to reach one of the largest fitness-minded audiences in the world. This is a great day for everyone who shares a passion for fitness, nutrition, training and the bodybuilding lifestyle.” It was also announced today that Dan Solomon, hired in 2018 to oversee the overall Olympia property, has agreed to a five-year contract extension and will serve as President and Chief Olympia Officer under new ownership. In addition to his oversight of the Olympia, Solomon will also manage the integration and strategy for the newly acquired media portfolio, including Muscle & Fitness. Solomon explains, “We have achieved something incredibly powerful. The deal has been carefully crafted, clearing the way for us to offer sponsors and advertisers one of the largest combined audiences in the entire category. As we roll out a wide-reaching media and event integration, we also add key resources brought to the table by our new owner. Jake is a visionary and his track record for success speaks for itself. Our sponsors, exhibitors, athletes, readers and fans will be pleased by what the immediate future holds.” In addition to the Mr. Olympia, the in

Digital Muscle(@digitalmusclemedia)がシェアした投稿 –


それが,会社に対して売却されたのではなく,Jake Woodという実業家に売却されたのが非常に大きな驚きです (ちなみに,気になる価格ですが7.5億円程度と言われています.そう考えると思った以上に高くないですよね.).

Jake Wood氏とは

Jake Wood氏は,アリゾナに拠点を置き,Wings of StrengthとDigital Muscle Mediaを所有しています.彼は,女性に対してボディビルの促進を献身的に支えていることで有名の様ですね.


My primary motivation for acquiring the Olympia is to bring the event back to the fans. It’s a dream come true to take ownership of some of the fitness industry’s most celebrated brands. Our ability to also acquire a media portfolio that includes Muscle & Fitness allows us to reach one of the largest fitness-minded audiences in the world. This is a great day for everyone who shares a passion for fitness, nutrition, training and the bodybuilding lifestyle“.


何を言いたいかというと,彼は,ファン離れが進むオリンピアに対して,ファンを取り戻すということにコミットし,彼が元々所有するメディアとMuscle & Fitness及びFlexを統合させることでより,優れたメディア媒体にできるということでしょう.


オリンピアの利権の持ち主が変わっても,大方は変更がない様ですね.今回のニュースを受けて,オリンピアの最高責任者であるDan Solomon氏の契約も新たに5年延長されていることを考えると,劇的な変化はないと思います.

今回の出来事について詳細に調べてみますと,オリンピアの利権が売却されたのはこれが初めての出来事というわけではない様ですね (どうやら2回目の様です).

